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Doing the branch dance

This Monday (October 25, 2010), we will be renaming the branches in our buildbotcustom hg repository. The current 'default' branch will be renamed to be called 'buildbot-0.7', and the current 'buildbot-0.8.0' branch will be renamed to 'default'. What does this mean for you? You need to explicitly specify which branch you want to update to after pulling. If you're currently on 'default', you should update to the 'buildbot-0.7' branch. If you're currently on 'buildbot-0.8.0', you should update to the 'default' branch. I'll be running these steps, for those who are interested in the gory details:


set -e

test -d buildbotcustom-branchdance && rm -rf buildbotcustom-branchdance

hg clone buildbotcustom-branchdance

cd buildbotcustom-branchdance

hg update default

echo 'This is the old default branch' > README

hg add README

hg commit --close-branch -m "Closing old default branch"

hg branch buildbot-0.7

echo 'This is the buildbot-0.7 branch' > README

hg commit -m 'Moving default to buildbot-0.7 branch'

hg update buildbot-0.8.0

echo 'This is the old buildbot-0.8.0 branch' > README

hg add README

hg commit --close-branch -m "Closing old buildbot-0.8.0 branch"

hg branch -f default

echo 'This is the default branch' > README

hg commit -m 'Moving buildbot-0.8.0 to the default branch'

echo "Out"

hg out

echo "Heads"

hg heads
