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Taskcluster migration update, the sequel

Firefox, now 100% buildbot-free!

First, the good news - Developer Edition 60.0b1 will be the first release in nearly 10 years done without using buildbot. This is an amazing milestone, and I'm incredibly proud of everybody who has contributed to make this possible!

Long time, no update

How did we get here? It's been, uh, almost 6 months since I last posted an update about our migration to Taskcluster.

In my last update, I described our plans for the end of 2017...

We're on track to ship builds produced in Taskcluster as part of the
56.0 release scheduled for late September. After that the only Firefox
builds being produced by buildbot will be for ESR52.

Meanwhile, we've started tackling the remaining parts of release
automation. We prioritized getting nightly and CI builds migrated to
Taskcluster, however, there are still parts of the release process
still implemented in Buildbot.

We're aiming to have release automation completely migrated
off of buildbot by the end of the year. We've already seen many
benefits from migrating CI to Taskcluster, and migrating the release
process will realize many of those same benefits.

How'd we do?

We're past the end of 2017, so how are we doing?

Well, we successfully shipped 56.0 with builds produced in Taskcluster. Our big Firefox Quantum release (57.0), was also shipped with builds produced by Taskcluster.

(side note: 57 had the most complex update scenarios we've ever had to support for Firefox...a subject for another post!)

Release scheduling

Post-56.0, our release process was using Taskcluster exclusively for producing the initial builds, and all the release process scheduling. We were still using Buildbot for many of the post-build tasks, like l10n repacks, publishing updates, pushing files to S3, etc. Once again we relied on the buildbot bridge to allow us to integrate existing buildbot components with the newer taskcluster pipeline. I learned from Kim Moir that this is a great example of the strangler pattern.

In the fall of 2017, we decided to begin migrating all of the scheduling logic for release automation into taskcluster using the in-tree taskgraph scheduling system. We did this for a few reasons...

  1. Having the release scheduling logic ride the trains is much more maintainable. Previous to this we had an externally defined release pipeline in our releasetasks repo. It was hard to keep this repository in sync with changes required for beta/release and ESR branches.

  2. More importantly, having the release scheduling logic in-tree meant that we could then rely on chain-of-trust to verify artifacts produced by the release pipeline.

  3. We felt that having the complete release pipeline defined in taskcluster would make it easier for us to tackle the remaining buildbot bridge tasks in parallel.

We hit this milestone in the 58 cycle. Starting with 58.0b3, Firefox and Fennec releases were completely scheduled using the in-tree taskgraph generation. We also migrated over the l10n repacks at the same time, removing a longstanding source of problems where repacks would fail when we first got to beta due to environmental differences between taskcluster and buildbot.

No-BBB Releases

Still, as of 58, much of release automation still ran on buildbot, even if Taskcluster was doing all the scheduling.

Since December, we've been working on removing these last few pieces of buildbot from the release process. Progress was initially a bit slow, given Austin and Christmas, but we've been hard at work in the new year.

That brings us to today.

We've moved uptake monitoring, update verify (and made it 2x faster too!), update submission, final verify, bouncer submission, version bumping and tagging, balrog submission all to run in Taskcluster via various kinds of scriptworkers.

As I mentioned above, DevEdition 60.0b1 will be the first release in nearly 10 years done without using buildbot. The rest of the 60 release cycle will follow suit, and once 60 hits the release channel, only ESR52 will remain on buildbot!
